Sunday, April 7, 2019

What is Kohi Click?

According to the website -

Kohi is a minecraft server known for it's Hard Core Factions game modes. Kohi is a spin-off of MineHQ, which is a spin-off of MCPVP. The creator of, hclewk, was the original creator of MCPVP. MCPVP is now owned by Brawl.

What is your Clicking Speed?

Here is an exact replica of the Click Test from the website of the Kohi minecraft server which closed long long ago. You can use it to check your click speed! You have 10 seconds to click as much as you can and your score will show on the CPS counter, how fast can you click?

Use this website to measure your clicking speed online.

Why is Clickspeed Important?

Basically, in Minecraft PvP, one of the biggest skills you can learn is rapidly pressing your mouse button while maintaining aim. The amount of times you press the mouse clicker in a second is known as CPS (Clicks Per Second). If you are new to all of this you could probably think of it like double clicking but instead of stopping at double, you just keep going.

Good luck give a try by yourself.